5 benefits of aerial yoga

For Gema Oneto, professional trainer , the yoga air has many benefits; however, a lot of discipline is needed because the routines of this exercise they need "a coherence, a rhythm and an appropriate progression, so that the student adapts, learns to handle the swing safely and to make the inverted positions without getting dizzy or overwhelmed".

To encourage you to enjoy this discipline, GetQoralHealth and Gema Oneto present you with the following five benefits of aerial yoga:

  1. Modeling and flexible your body thanks to the work of toning and stretching.
  2. Improve your physical health, thanks to the physical conditioning and the internal stimulation of organism by inverted postures.
  3. Remove the cellulitis and prevents circulatory problems, due to the draining effect of some postures.
  4. The inverted postures favor the correct functioning of the circulatory system, oxygenate the body and send blood to areas like the head, which helps clear the mind.
  5. It works the stabilizing muscles, which improves posture and prevents back problems. In addition, it improves and prevents joint problems. The following video shows other benefits of the yoga aerial:

In addition to these benefits of yoga aerial, this exercise offers a deep sense of relaxation, improves the vital tone and mood. For Gema Oneto it is clear: "the balance and the sensation of weightlessness de-stress and help us produce endorphins . There are also deep relaxations that calm the mind and help us recover physically and emotionally. "

And one more tip from this Spanish expert: to be effective and safe this activity should be practiced with qualified professionals. "If not, it is possible to hurt yourself with some postures or getting dizzy during class, because the progression of exercises it must follow a physiological logic, "he adds. And you, would you encourage yourself to enjoy the benefits of aerial yoga?

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