7 reasons to meditate

In many occasions it is thought that meditating is a religious activity, and it is believed that in order to carry it out it is necessary to be part of some sect, but it is not so. It is a millenary practice to which we can all access and enjoy its benefits.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the lecturer and writer,Deborah King, explains the benefits of meditation:

Meditation not only helps to cultivate the spirit, the mind and the control of emotions. There are studies carried out in universities such as Hardvar, Princeton or Berkeley, which show that meditating also reduces physical problems related to anxiety, among other benefits.

Matthieu Ricard, considered by the University of Wisconsin as the happiest man in the world and author of "The Art of Meditation", explains that meditation encourages happiness and combats the lack of concentration, depression , fatigue , bad mood, muscular pains and headaches, which are a product of stress , which are attributed the evils that attack the life of society.

This activity is not just a temporary process of relaxation of a couple of hours, says Ricard, so if adopted as a way of life, people can be free and self-possessed, to act with wisdom in the face of difficulties and before others.

If you ask yourself what meditation can be for you in your daily problems, know some of the physical and psychological advantages of your practice:

1. It helps strengthen the immune system and increases your defenses to prevent diseases.

2. Decrease the blood pressure in hypertensive people.

3. Provides greater clarity of thought to adequately respond to conflicts. In the case of depression , is a key piece to prevent crises and live happier.

4. It stimulates the conversion of negative situations to positive ones.

5. Improve the social and couple relationships .

6. Increase levels of concentration and it increases the intellectual quotient and the instantaneous reaction.

7. Bring inner peace and self-control.

Therefore, thanks to its benefits, if you live afflicted by the daily problems and with many discomforts, meditating can be the ideal alternative for you! For more information visit www.sermexico.org.mx bojorge@teleton.org.mx

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Video Medicine: Top Five Reasons Why Everyone Should Meditate #1 (April 2024).