5 winter sports to burn fat

The arrival of winter has several advantages, and one of them is that it offers fun alternatives to burn fat and be in shape. Such is the case of winter sports, considered as extreme in their majority.

Winter sports represent a great physical demand, and to be able to perform optimally it is necessary to have the right equipment, but in addition it is necessary to have an adequate diet and basic training to prevent injuries or other complications of each discipline, in accordance with the site highrendimiento.com

There is a wide range of sports for this time, which help you get in shape thanks to the fact that, for the most part, it requires a complete body coordination, so that they serve to burn body fat in a very complete way. Among the most practiced sports are:

1. Ski. It is an excellent exercise that involves several modalities. Its main and common feature is that it is about movements that allow you to work and strengthen your legs, arms, hips and abs. In addition to burning calories, it helps improve cardiovascular health.

2. Snowboarding . This sport has its origin and uses surf techniques, adapted to its practice in the snow. The exercises performed in this discipline tone the muscles of the legs, back and abdominals, at the same time that you acquire greater coordination and agility.

3. Ice skating . Practiced on well-defined tracks, this sport helps burn calories and fat in a fun way, in addition to working specific regions of the body, such as the thighs, hips, buttocks. Another benefit is that it helps correct posture.

4. Snowbiking . Derived from the cross bike or mountain bike, this sport has become fashionable due to the diversity of variants that can be faced during their practice, ranging from zigzag to avoid obstacles, to jumps on ramps. Its greatest benefits are those of strengthening arms, legs and improving blood circulation.

5. Big foot. To practice this sport it is necessary to use very small skis that serve as skates to descend slopes at high speed, which favors the work of legs, glutes and improves posture.

Remember that to take advantage of all the benefits of these extreme winter sports, it is essential that you do warm-up and stretch work, as well as save a proper rest or rest after your practice.

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Video Medicine: How COLD WEATHER can help you LOSE FAT (May 2024).