Learn to recover from a marathon

After running a marathon or perform some kind of exercise , the body needs to recover and relax from physical exertion. Some specialists say that it takes at least four weeks for the organism to return to normal.

One of the most useful tips to recover from a marathon is to replace the glycogen muscular, which is the fuel that provides the energy necessary to perform the activities.

To achieve the above, you only have to consume carbohydrates or proteins, which are found in nuts, cereals, legumes and meats; In addition, this will help reduce the inflammation , avoid the pain muscle and fatigue.

It is also important that you have a hydration adequate, because in a race you lose a lot of fluids through the sweat .

On the other hand, it is necessary to have a regenerative treatment with passive stretching and exercises that require little effort. After the race, bathe with cold water and use a bag of ice water; give yourself a massage on the back of the thighs.

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Video Medicine: 5 Things to do the Day After a Marathon (April 2024).