Vaccinations for winter season

Winter, especially during the month of December, is a time when the joy of having health is celebrated; However, this may be reduced due to weather conditions and the spread of some diseases, so it is necessary to have certain immunizations.

According to the Undersecretary of Prevention and Promotion of Health , with the arrival of winter comes with the seasonal influenza , so it is necessary that children between 6 and 59 months, as well as adults over 60, come to apply this vaccine.

According to figures from the Secretary of Health of the Federal District (SSDF) apply only in older adults, immunizations needed in this season helps reduce the risk of presenting 56% respiratory diseases , they reduce the possibility of pneumonia by 53%, and 60% the risk of death due to said disease.

Therefore, it is essential that the vaccine is also applied 23-valent antineukococcus , both adults over 65 and children under one year of age.

Another compulsory immunization in this winter season is that of Rotavirus , in children under 7 months of age, which helps prevent risk stomach flu , one of the main causes of hospitalization and care in children, so it is essential to reinforce its application during this season.

One more of the actions that are undertaken in the face of low temperatures is the delivery of the call vitamin ACD , which aims to strengthen cells and the immune system, as well as respiratory tract , to prevent acute infections among populations in the coldest areas of the country.

It is worth mentioning that the two biggest risk factors during the winter season are cold and humidity, which is why it is important to apply and follow an immunization scheme to prevent diseases such as flu or cold, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, laryngitis and pharyngitis , to mention a few, among the most vulnerable population.

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Video Medicine: Reduce the pain of vaccination in babies - Full Video (April 2024).