Adopting a pet improves your emotional health

Have a pet It helps you to feel loved and accompanied. When you decide to take care of an animal, (whatever your species), you are excited to think that it is small, the name you will give it, how you will take care of it, etc.

However, there are animals that are not lucky enough to have a family that loves them. Some suffer abuse and therefore escape, others are abandoned on the street, so they are exposed to diseases and social rejection.

Fortunately, there are people who offer their help to these animals at risk. Adopting a pet is a generous act that has many advantages. Interaction with animals produces emotional benefits and physical, both in children and adults. GetQoralHealth tells you why it is healthy to adopt a pet.

1. People who have pets are more popular with people, because their self esteem It is greater and they are more sociable. Acquire skills to take care of others, while demonstrating a better empathy and a more responsible attitude towards their Health Y wellness .

2. In children, interaction with a pet is part of their learning process, and this is based on positive experiences linked to significant episodes shared with their pet.

3. Having a pet benefits the family in general, as they spend more time interacting with them. Create new communication spaces where all the members of the family participate. Added to this are fun activities, friendly conversations and exercise , in addition to the relaxation and relief of the pressures that your company provides.

Do you need more reasons to adopt a pet? Watch the following video:

4. Adopting a pet mitigates loneliness, a very important factor if one considers that modern society increasingly faces loneliness as part of their life experience.

5. In an investigation published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, it was found that children who had pets, are 50% less likely to develop allergies , compared to those who did not have a pet. The reason is that children who have pets such as dogs and cats develop a immune system stronger.

Do not wait more! Adopt a pet and enjoy its benefits.

Video Medicine: Emotional Support Animal or Service Animal: What's the difference? (May 2024).