Activate yourself from your home!

To have a thin and toned body movements must be made to help burn the fat located in certain parts of the body. There are several exercises for women that accelerate weight loss and tone your muscles in a fun and easy way.

According to the portal , women suffer to eliminate the accumulation of fat in certain parts of the body, so they have to do thousands of repetitions to achieve it, however, with this routine you will get fit and increase your self-esteem.


Activate yourself from your home!

  1. Steel legs Take a pair of dumbbells and stand up straight. Lift your left leg back and bend your trunk forward with your hands hanging. You can bend your right leg a little to avoid injury. Return to the initial position.

  2. Reduce the waist Lie on your left side, with your knees straight. Support your left elbow and your forearm towards the front. Lift your hips until your body forms a straight line from the ankles to the shoulders. Hold the posture for 30 seconds and change sides.
  3. Hardens your muscles Lie face down and place your hands at the height of your chest and your legs together. Stretch your arms, raise your trunk. Lower your body slowly without your chest touching the ground. Push up again.

  4. Sculpt your thighs and glutes. Stand with your legs spread, so that your feet are wider than your shoulders. Lower the body while bending the knees, until your muscles are parallel to the floor. Pause and return to the initial position slowly.
  5. Tones shoulders and triceps. Use some dumbbells. Place your body in a position of exertion. Tilt your body over the knee in front, while raising the opposite arm backwards. Return to the initial position slowly.

To tone your body safely, without injury or pain, you must do three sets of 10 repetitions of each exercise, and move as fast as you can between each exercise to burn more calories.

Do not forget that an exercise routine is successful when combined with a balanced diet and good hydration. And you, are you ready to get in shape from the comfort of your home?

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