Abusing video games can cause injuries

There are millions of users around the world and in our country, but according to Dr. Jaime Castellanos Romero, IMSS specialist, playing video games for a long time can cause injuries to the joints of the hands, starting with the thumb, the finger with the greatest use in controls, which can lead to major discomforts such as tendonitis.

Only in the last year the video game industry had a consumption of 47 billion dollars and Mexico participated buying more than 3 million video game consoles, according to data from The Competitive Intelligence Unit.

Of every 10 players in our country, 7 are willing to buy at least one game every 3 months. The budget for the realization of each game can reach up to 100 million dollars as in the case of Grand Theft Auto 4. The second place is occupied by Gran Turismo 5 with 80 million spent on its production and in third place Shenmue with 70 million of dollars, according to data collected by the DigitalBattle.com site. This amateur industry represents a large market for piracy, where ESA (Entertainment Software Association) reports that only in the month of December last year, about 10 million games were illegally downloaded. The research points to countries with greater involvement such as Spain, France, Brazil and China. And you, have you felt pain in the fingers or wrists after playing for a long time videogames?