8 tips for a healthy brain

For a long time, the operation of brain human has been a mystery and most people believe that there are no methods to keep it strong and healthy; However, some measures can be taken to improve health and reduce the risk of diseases cerebral.

Keith L. Black , president of the Department of Neurosurgery at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center hospital and director of the Maxine Dunit Institute of Neurosurgery , gives you eight tips to keep active and healthy brain , even during old age:

1.- Solve mental exercises : The brain human responds to the challenges that favor its agility; so do not hesitate to solve games or riddles like puzzles, to prevent diseases as the dementia .

2.- Nutrient-rich diet : The deficiency of vitamins decreases the abilities of memory . Eat foods rich in B complex, which improves concentration and memory. Consume strawberries, blackberries, blackberries, raspberries, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and products that contain omega-3 fatty acids.

3.- Avoid excessive sugar intake : The cells of the brain they need a constant supply of glucose as fuel, but without excess. You can buy a moderate amount of fruits, whole grains, vegetables.

4.- Moderates alcohol consumption : This drink reduces the mass and chemicals of the human brain; In addition, it reduces memory and cognitive functions.

5.- Stop smoking : The smoking It can cause brain cell damage, so for safety avoid it.

6.- Rest well : The lack of dream affects the ability of brain to store and retrieve memories.

7.- Eliminate stress : Meditate or practice yoga to clear your mind.

8.- Get active : Sometimes the physical activity It can help clear the mind. When you participate in extreme sports, use a helmet and avoid blows to the head.

Try to have healthy habits to prevent the presence of strokes. And you, have you practiced any of these tips?

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Video Medicine: Top Tips For Brain Health (May 2024).