8 benefits of orgasms

The orgasm It is very difficult to define, because each one can experience it in a different way; however, it can be defined as the climax of a sexual relationship, where all the tension that accumulates during the excitement .

According to some specialists, this experience is one of the best that the human being can feel, due to the great pleasure it generates; In addition, it has some qualities that benefit your health such as:

1.- Improve your blood flow : The climax increases the heart rate , the respiratory rate, the blood pressure and the blood circulation , which helps to oxygenate cells of the organism

2.- Cheer up : An orgasm frees endorphins , dopamine Y oxytocin , hormones that help increase happiness and decrease the depression .

3.- It favors the dream : Thanks to the release of endorphins It is a natural sedative, because it promotes the break repairman and completely eliminates the insomnia .

4.- Keeps the brain healthy : This organ is fed with the oxygen that is generated during sexual intercourse.

5.- Natural analgesic : The climax relieves headaches and menstruals. Some studies show that women can tolerate pain up to 110% more, after the stimulation of the point G. Also, the release of endorphins Disconnect the nerve endings for a few minutes.

6.- It reduces stress : The hormones that are released during the orgasm help reduce the levels of anxiety and the accumulated tension.

7.- Provides wellness and a healthy glow : Generates a relaxation that helps analyze problems in an optimistic way. Also, it improves the appearance of the skin , where you can see a healthy glow.

8.- Improves emotional health : Enjoying a full sexual relationship is reflected in your mood, so grow your self esteem and your emotional confidence is strengthened.

Do you need more reasons to enjoy a orgasm ? It just makes you look younger and strengthens your muscles , so you will enjoy a toned and outlined body, it is special, legs and abdomen.

As you will observe, responsible sexual relationships are an excellent alternative to exercise that helps you burn up to 200 calories .

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Video Medicine: When You Have More Orgasms This Is What happens To Your Body (May 2024).