7 basic pilates for a flat abdomen

Having a flat and marked abdomen is no longer synonymous with sacrifices or spending hours in a gym, with pilates exercises to burn fat you will get a flat stomach from anywhere, either in the gym or from the comfort of your home.

According to information published in TI have Huffington Post , it is not necessary to go to a gym to tone your body and keep it slim, you just have to create a playlist that fills you with energy and know the basics of pilates to eliminate fat from your body in a short time.

1.- Heating: To avoid tears and contractures you must warm your body, so to activate the blood circulation you should lie on your back fully straight and with your arms at your sides.

Lift your legs at a 45 degree angle, contract your abdomen and use your arms to raise and lower your arms with quick movements. Inhale and exhale slowly. Count 100 pumps with the arms and return to the starting position. This posture will help you burn belly and hip fat, as well as toning your buttocks, arms and legs.

2.- Abdomen and hip: Lie on your back completely straight. Lift one leg at a 90 degree angle. Contract the abdomen and make 10 circular movements to the right and then change to the left. Return to the starting position and change the leg.

3.- Abdomen and legs: Sit upright on a rug with your legs extended. Lift the leg to a 45 degree angle without flexing the knee, do not forget to contract the abdomen. Hold the position for a few seconds and return to the starting position; Repeat five times and change legs.

4.- Buttocks, abdomen and arms: Lie on your back, bend one leg to your chest, while the other leaves it extended but suspended in the air. Lift the head and neck to use as an impulse. Hold the posture for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Change your knee and do eight repetitions with each one.

5- Hips, arms and lats: Lie on your back, lift your legs and bend them to your chest, try to hug your legs while you inhale. Hold the position for a few seconds and exhale while you extend your arms and legs. Repeat eight times.

6.- Low back: Lie face down, lean your head on your hands. Bend and raise your knees a little. Join your heels and press them, while you stretch your fingers outwards. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Do 12 repetitions.

7- Steel abdomen: Lie on your stomach, raise your torso a little and stretch your arms at the same time you stretch your legs. Stretch your body as much as you can. Hold your breath for three inhalations and exhalations.

With these basic pilates exercises to burn fat you will forget the pretexts and put your body in shape from the comfort of your home. Remember to hydrate well before, during and after the exercise. And you, are you ready to achieve a flat abdomen? If you want to know more positions of pilates click here.

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