6 tips to show off a flat abdomen

We are the ones who eat, is a phrase that reflects a great truth. To the extent that we modify our eating habits we can see ourselves and feel better; consequently, enjoy a flat stomach Natural way.

Without a doubt, when we have a bad digestion is reflected in our abdomen in various forms such as: constipation , inflammation , colitis , gastritis , etc.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Guadalupe Herrera , Nutrition and Health Manager, Research and Development at the Danone Institute , gives us some tips to improve our Digestive process and show off flat stomach :

1. Consuming yogurt or fermented products . This helps us protect our intestinal flora and therefore, prevent inflammation in our abdomen.2. Enjoy the food . Enjoy the pleasure of each dish; Avoid distractions and spend at least 30 minutes on food is key to not gain weight.3. Combine food . When there is a variation in what we eat every day, our metabolism it accelerates, at the same time that we strengthen our immune system.4. Do exercise . To enjoy a flat stomach , it is essential that some kind of exercise . A good option are the ABS . If you consume a yogurt before starting your daily activity, it will give you energy and help you burn body fat.5. Laugh . It is proven that if you enjoy life and laugh more, exercises all your body, so you'll look more radiant.6. Sleep . According to the nutritionist Herrera, the ideal is to rest on average 7 hours, to perform at maximum and enjoy a good quality of life.

When you feel tired because of your daily activities, to do exercise , etc., a good option is to eat green vegetables, fruits and whole grains, to replenish.

"The key to having a balance in our life is to enjoy what we do and have better choices of what we eat; If we add an excellent attitude to this, our health will be optimal, "says nutritionist Herrera.

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Video Medicine: Simple Life Hacks for a Flatter Belly (May 2024).