Lose weight and accelerate your metabolism

The discovery that food does not get fat during breakfast highlighted the importance of our internal clock and the metabolism . Formerly doctors and nutritionists thought that for slim down the best advice was to close your mouth. They recommended subsistence allowance based on Nutritional Pyramid .

In general, people lost 5 kilos in a month and although their attacks anxiety worse, the worst happened when the next month, double the fat. Regrettably, they attributed the failure of diet the patient and his lack of willpower.

How to accelerate the metabolism to lose weight?

It is a mistake to believe that you gain weight by eating a lot. People with overweight or obesity they do not eat more; They almost never eat breakfast. Most get up in the morning without hunger, but in the afternoon it is when the attacks of anxiety they are terrible, it is what is known as Fat Brain . Even without hunger it is necessary to have breakfast until you are more than satisfied.

When to have breakfast to accelerate the metabolism?

Having breakfast 2 or 3 hours after awakening does not serve to diminish the appetite, nor to accelerate the metabolism . Willpower has proven to be useless to control the Fat Brain . That is why it is essential to include proteins , since they are the foods that produce most satiety. In contrast, carbohydrates or sugars and fats are not as effective in reducing appetite, let alone accelerating metabolism .

If a person does subsistence allowance of hunger the body begins to use the proteins of muscles and skin to be able to continue functioning. We all need to eat 150 grams of protein when we get up.

What is the best exercise to accelerate metabolism?

The muscles are the kilns where the calories of the food. If you do not do enough physical exercise you need more help to not lose muscles; The less you exercise, the more protein you need.

Walking for one hour is less useful than intense exercise for 5 minutes. Going up stairs without stopping, jogging a few meters, riding a bike uphill and lifting small pints is more effective than going for a walk. Only with 5 minutes of intense physical activity, hormonal changes occur in the body that lead to weight loss. In contrast, the benefits of gentle exercise may not even occur.

How to sleep to accelerate the metabolism?

Sleep It is more important to lose weight than food. It is necessary to rest at least 5 hours a day, but if you sleep more you will have an extra benefit for burn calories and accelerate your metabolism .

How many times do you eat to speed up your metabolism?

The stomach has a great influence on the metabolism . Eating 5 times a day helps keep it accelerated. These tips are essential for all patients in my practice who need to speed up metabolism and finally lose weight. For more information visit: www.niunadietamas.com