Natural foods favor your well-being

A diet healthy benefits the human being in all aspects, because natural foods promote well-being and restore the natural harmony of the individual, by balancing body, mind and spirit.

In accordance with the chef-yogi , Mariano Garcés , the kitchen bioenergetics (a fusion of macrobiotics with ayurveda ) contributes to physical, mental and emotional well-being through the intake of natural and nutritious foods that each region of the world has.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the chef-yogi, Mariano Garcés, explains the reasons for maintaining a healthy body through natural foods:

The chef-yogi is convinced that an adequate nutrition positively impacts the human being, by providing the necessary energy to perform their activities, improve mood and lengthen longevity; in the following video also, he explains what bioenergetic cooking is:

Mariano Garcés will give a lecture about foods anti-age for body and soul, at the ExpoSer 2012 that will take place from May 18 to 20, at the World Trade Center in Mexico City; and where the benefits of the bioenergetic cuisine .

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Video Medicine: 7 Best Foods for Men's Health and Well-Being (April 2024).