Bullying is an increasingly frequent phenomenon

The bullying is a behavioral phenomenon that has increased during the last years mainly in the population childish of basic education . This consists in permanently disturbing some schoolmate through nicknames , offenses Y aggressions physical or psychological; in order to impose on the victim regardless of the degree of violence or mental damage that this implies.

This behavior is a reflection of what they see in their home, such as: intrafamily violence; this is what he says Antonio González Chávez , head of internal medicine service of the General Hospital of Mexico .

The aggression can be verbal , with insults, ridicule or disqualification, or by omission , which includes not being accepted for teamwork and exclusion by their peers in school or sports activities. González Chávez assured that the aggressors are children who have a history of violence and show an attitude of power before a group (behavior that makes them feel satisfied), therefore, tend to perpetrate this type of behavior . Are aggressive , even with their teachers, they do not have the dimension of consequences ; This is because they do not have adequate attention from their parents.

The aggressor It can be of two types: the active , because it directly bothers the partner, hits or intimidates him; and the passive , who seeks mechanisms, through other colleagues, to spread a rumor or gossip that bothers the victim; that is, propitiate the environment for the child to be "labeled ”.

The official, through the bulletin of the Ministry of Health (SSA) , says that the perfect victim he is the weakest of the group speaking in the physical aspect because in general he is shy. It can reach strong physical injuries and it can continue like this throughout his life, since everyone sees it as normal, they are people who do not understand the meaning of order and respect. This situation causes low performance school in the victims with its consequent desertion of the school and it is common that they look for mechanisms not to attend school and, for this, somatize diseases, like pain of head or stomach .

Antonio González pointed out that for fight This problem, which is so common all over the world, should work together with parents, teachers and friends, since they are in constant contact with the children and can observe the behavior both the aggressor and the victim and rule out that they are jokes between the companions.

The victims do not have support from any of these three levels, on the contrary, the aggressor exercise fear about him, the family does not take him into account as a person and the school observes the normal behavior . He assured that the children attacked in general are insecure, introverts or with some physical problem, for example that is very thin or chubby , wear glasses, have a disease or congenital malformation.

Finally, he commented that there is a lack of information about this phenomenon so that teachers and parents can learn to handle any type of circumstances. identify when it happens bullying . For this reason, it is necessary that campaigns be carried out in all schools information since it is difficult for you to behaviors disappear because they are part of the culture of our society.

Video Medicine: Managing A Narcissist | Ann Barnes | TEDxCollingwood (April 2024).