6 sports tips to have better sex

An investigation of the University of California notes that men who practice exercise three times a week they improve their performance and sexual response . In the same way they enjoy more of the orgasms . GetQoralHealth suggests these sports tips to improve your sex life .

1. Exercise every day to keep your body and mind in shape. The physical activity reduces the stress , raise the self esteem and helps you feel more attractive and willing for the sex .

2. The sport Increase your sense of humor and energy. In the same way increase your desire to have sex . Can you do exercise in partner to strengthen their emotional ties.

3. Stretches improve your flexibility, skill that you can take to experiment with new sexual positions .

4. If you want to have sexual marathons, practice sports in the background. In this way you increase your resistance and prepare your heart to last longer.

5. Do not forget about strength training. The more strength you have, the more variety of postures you can include in your sexual repertoire.

6. make Kegel exercise , in the case of women to strengthen the muscles of the pubis and in men to prevent premature ejaculation .

To complement your routine exercises sexual, prepare a dinner rich in aphrodisiac foods, this way you increase your libido in a natural way and you give a special touch to your sex life . Good luck!

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