Anxiety in the coldest months and low light

In december, depressive states are detonated. What combined with the low temperatures and low sunlight contribute to the levels of anxiety increase because the brain releases a greater amount of neurotransmitters, he said for the newspaper Milenio and its supplement Milenio Campus, Alonso Fernández Guasti , scientist attached to the Center for Research and advanced studies of the IPN (Cinvestav).

In the opinion of the researcher of the department of Pharmacobiology of Cinestav del Sur, Fernandez Gusati, in December and January people are influenced by the festive atmosphere and strive to give the best party or the best gift of kings, acts that involve some anxiety. So the brain can release more of noradrenaline , serotonin Y gamma acid (all neurotransmitters) that increases the state of anxiety.

Among the recommendations to calm the states of anxiety and depression is the exercise , especially run Y swim . In addition, the expert noted that there are natural substances such as valerian teas or capsules that help reduce symptoms.

The anxiety is part of the psychiatric disorders most common in the population. It is known that at least 10% of people suffer some symptom from them, as well as that the female sex is more prone to anxiety, although the trigger has not yet been determined that reflects it in this way.

Source: Milenio and its supplement Milenio Campus