Eliminates fat with the cucumber diet in 3X3 (3 days and 3 kilos)

For those moments when you "urge" to lose a few "extra pounds" or reduce your belly, there is this diet that is very effective and also delicious, provides satiety and nutrients.

Cucumbers are a great food. They are composed of 95% water; They contain an anti-inflammatory that helps you eliminate the feeling of "balloon" in the stomach; They are low in calories and rich in fiber, which makes them very useful for weight loss and digestion. But, did you know that cucumber can help you lose 3 kilos in 3 days? Check how the diet goes:

  • 3 kilos in 3 days with cucumber

The main ingredient of this diet It's the raw cucumber. The plan lasts only 3 days because it is very strict.

Fruits you can eat:

  1. Orange
  2. Tangerine
  3. Pear
  4. Apple


  • Breakfast
  1. 1 cup of green tea
  2. 1 sliced ​​cucumber (without shell)
  3. 1 fruit
  4. 1 glass of water with lemon without sugar (can be lukewarm to remove more fat)


  • Collation
  1. 1 low-fat yogurt


  • Food
  1. Vegetable soup (try to make it with very little fat and almost no oil).
  2. Cucumber salad with lettuce
  3. 1 fruit


  • Collation
  1. 1 diet gelatin
  2. 1 hard boiled egg
  3. 1 tea without sugar (preferably green tea, red or cinnamon tea)


  • Dinner
  1. Cucumber salad with apple cider vinegar
  2. 1 serving of grilled fish or chicken.

Drink 2 liters of plain water or, if you prefer, prepare cucumber water with lemon and consume it throughout the day.


  • Contraindications
  1. This diet is not recommended for people with a thyroid problem (hyper or hypothyroidism).
  2. If you are allergic to aspirin, or some other anti-inflammatory, DO NOT do it. Cucumber contains natural anti-inflammatories, eating it in excess could cause you harm.
  3. Too much cucumber can aggravate the symptoms of oral allergy, an allergic reaction that manifests itself in the mouth, tongue and throat.
  4. Like any "instant" weight reduction diet, its effects are transient if you do not follow a balanced diet plan. To lose weight without rebound, you need a long-term change of habits.

  • Reasons to eat cucumber

Regardless of the diet, it is a good idea to include cucumbers in your diet:

  • Cucumbers protect your brain thanks to its anti-inflammatory power. They also improve your memory and protect nerve cells.
  • It is proven that cucumbers contain polyphenols, substances related to a lower risk of breast cancer, uterus, ovary and prostate.
  • They have numerous antioxidants, vitamin C and beta-carotene.
  • A slice of cucumber on your tongue helps eliminate bacteria that cause a bad smell in your mouth.
  • It is a natural multivitamin, especially group B, known to relieve the feeling of anxiety and reduce stress.
  • Reinforce your digestive health by the large amount of water and fiber they have. The pulp of cucumber is composed of soluble fiber, which forms a kind of "gelatin" in the stomach and aids digestion; the skin, on the other hand, has insoluble fiber that helps to give volume to your stool.
  • Although they leave you satisfied, they are very low in calories. A cup of cucumbers contains only 16 calories.
  • They are rich in potassium, which is related to the reduction in blood pressure.