4 diseases that you can prevent with changes in habits

Did you know that changes in habits prevent various diseases? Some of them are: obesity Y overweight , diabetes , diabetic neuropathy and hypertension . This modification of habits are gradual; Although they require discipline, they lengthen your years and improve your quality of life.

In GetQoralHealth , we present you with 4 diseases that are 100% preventable just by optimizing your decision making. Take note!

1. Overweight and obesity. Data of the Federal Health Secretariat (Ssa) reiterate that excess weight is the main public health problem in Mexico. 72% of adult women and 67% of men suffer overweight or obesity .

However, both conditions are reversible through changes in lifestyle: perform some kind of physical activity or exercise , reduce the consumption of soft drinks, fried and / or breaded food, and eat more fruits and vegetables.

In this regard, the owner of the Secretary of Public Education , José Ángel Córdova, clarified that in less than 6 years the childhood obesity in 20%, thanks to the change of products that children acquire in schools.

2. Diabetes . It is estimated that "at least" 10 million people live with this disease, of which 90% correspond to type 2 diabetes , that is, the one developed by excess weight, sedentary lifestyle , etc.

One of the ways to prevent type 2 diabetes is to have a normal and healthy weight. Other measures are eating nutritious, fresh and healthy foods and doing exercise .

3. Diabetic neuropathy . The great problem of the Mexicans is the lack of control and prevention in several areas, one of them their health, for that reason the absence of medical control causes that of every 100 people with diabetes , 10 have neuropathy (nervous system damage), which if not treated in time will cause diabetic foot .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Rubén Orrantia , medical manager of pain and inflammation of Pfizer , points out:

"The most common characteristics of the diabetic neuropathy is that the person living with diabetes does not control their sugar levels, which detonates circulation damage and could trigger this type of neuropathy. We know that about 4 million people will develop it due to a lack of glucose control and sedentary lifestyle. "

In this sense, the doctor Orrantia clarifies that the best way to prevent this disease is to go regularly to the doctor, lose weight , follow an adequate food plan, practice exercise Y rest adequately.

4. Hypertension. Official figures show that in Mexico about 15 million people suffer from hypertension , which can be 100% preventable by changing lifestyle habits, such as reducing salt intake, consuming a few carbonated beverages, activating, eating more fruits and vegetables, decreasing the consumption of fast food and controlling body weight.

We know that information is power, so we want to invite you to the talk that will be held GetQoralHealth , the next Saturday, November 10 at the Marriot de Reforma Hotel at 08.30 hrs , located in Paseo de la Reforma No. 276 Col. Juárez. Rivera Room 2, so that in the experts' voice you know what to do to modify your lifestyle and prevent various metabolic diseases such as diabetes .

Admission is completely free, you just have to write to us contact @ GetQoralHealth or call us on the phone 51-28-30-00, ext 3332 and ask for your tickets. Recovering your health is in your hands!

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