1. Tobacco

Nearly 1% of the world's female population experiences menopause before age 40, that is prematurely . Among the causes for which this condition is advanced are the emotional problems and conditions of the ovaries.

The premature menopause It can be the result of primary ovarian insufficiency When the ovaries stop producing normal levels of reproductive hormones, and although it is not known, the exact cause is related more to the genes, experts say. Mayo Clinic .

Leopoldo Vázquez Estrada , gynecologist obstetrician biologist of human reproduction, explains in detail the side effects of menopause in the next video.

The conditions genetic we are the only ones that increase the chances of suffering premature menopause , we present below other factors.


1. Tobacco

Smoking causes poor quality of ovaries and embryos, and an increase in chromosomal abnormalities, so the menopause can go ahead between one and four years, according to the Ginefiv Assisted Reproduction Clinic . To avoid risk, the ideal is to give up this habit.


2. Cleaning products

The recommendation is to use gloves that avoid direct contact with the products

Video Medicine: How Smoking Just 1 CIGARETTE Wrecks Your Lungs ● You Must See This ! (April 2024).