Your habits determine how you will age

People age in different ways This is because, in addition to being a natural process, it is also a function of genetics and the environment.

The genes They play an important role. Children of young looking parents will most likely have youthful-looking skin, compared to those with mature-looking parents.

However, the condition of aging of the skin is just one of the factors. The way we care for our skin says a lot about the future condition of it.

For example, people whose lifestyle habits include smoking and drinking will have more wrinkles and fine lines than those who do not.

Those who have high levels of tension can also age more quickly than people who know how to relax. The same goes for people who gesticulate too much.

Diet is also an important factor, people who eat healthily will have fewer wrinkles than those who do not; The same can be said about people who drink water. Fruits and vegetables help keep skin supple. But what to do when you reach a certain age?


Care after 20

During the 20's, we often expose ourselves more to the sun, so it is advisable to use a sunscreen with a minimum factor of 30.

Acne and various types of acne usually appear in this decade skin infections , so it's important that you go to a dermatologist to prevent stains Y scars .

The skin could start to age r, so sunblocks are essential in the care of the dermis.

In addition, the ideal is that you have a diet rich in antioxidants like vitamins C, E, magnesium and Omega 3. For the 40 years, the age already begins to be noticed, that is to say, the wrinkles appear of inevitable way.

It is recommended that you perform various tests to preserve the health of your skin.

Video Medicine: 15 Bad Habits That Age You Faster Without You Noticing It (April 2024).