Stopping the virus

Until recently, patients with hepatitis C They were treated with pegylated interferon and ribavirin, but only 40% of patients responded positively and managed to keep the viral load undetectable. Hence the importance of looking for new treatments against this condition.

Now, scientific advances make people with hepatitis C can have access to a new treatment called Simeprevir . A antiviral which, checked with studies, when used in combination with peginterferon alfa Y ribavirin , has a success rate of 80%.


"This treatment offers patients the real opportunity to improve their quality of life, achieving a sustained viral response, with a therapeutic regimen of triple therapy for 12 weeks and oral administration," he says. Jorge Luis Poo , gastroenterologist and hepatologist, founding director of Friends of the Liver A.C .


Stopping the virus

For the approximately 1.4% of the population that is diagnosed with thevirus of the hepatitis C , according to the Mexican Foundation for Liver Health , this new medicine can make a difference to prevent your condition from becoming cirrhosis or even Cancer .

This new treatment is indicated for genotypes 1 or 4 of the hepatitis C in adults, and presents the characteristic of directly combating virus , eliminating its protease and preventing it from reproducing, until it is eliminated by means of the bile , thus avoiding damage to kidney .

Another of its great advantages is that its administration is oral , and in comparison with other medicines the dose It is much smaller.

Video Medicine: How to remove a computer virus / malware (April 2024).