Jennifer Lopez

The price paid for being famous is sometimes very expensive. Some fans are obsessed with celebrities .

There is a very thin line between admiring your idol and turning it into a obsession .

Fanaticism for a person can lead him to commit things he never imagined.

Attempting against his life or that of his idol is something that has happened in the world of entertainment.

In fact there is a syndrome called Celebrity Worship Syndrome .

It refers to the fans who harass and obsess over some celebrity. They even invade your privacy and unfortunately some may have murdered them.

It is a worrisome syndrome for celebrities.

They feel threatened and when they realize the obsession of their fans they fear for their lives.

According to studies conducted by The University of Leicester in Great Britain , the Celebrity Worship Syndrome syndrome is related to homicides and crimes.

Most people with this syndrome are associated with some other psychiatric or psychological illness.


Jennifer Lopez

The Brox native had a tenant in her house without knowing it. A 49-year-old man entered his house and was living in his guest house for 2 weeks.