Invisible danger!

This condition goes beyond the concept of "wasting time" or "being lazy". Boredom is a state that affects health, since according to the psychologist John Eastwood is related to the difficulty for pay attention to an objective or action

The Boredom is an unpleasant mood that prevents you from connecting with a satisfactory activity, and it arises from faults in the attention networks of the brain ", Says Eastwood, co-author of the book The unengaged mind and whose study was published in Perspectives on Psychological Science.


Invisible danger!

Not only in one, but in several moments of life every human being experiences boredom, but, How can this harm your health?

1. Prolonged boredom deprives you of a sense of natural pleasure. When you experience a new and interesting situation, the brain releases dopamine, the neurotransmitter related to the feeling of well-being and the intensity of the rewards, says a study Journal of Sport Behavior.

2. Consequence of stress . This emotion is prolonged is responsible for the production of several hormones, such as cortisol and catecholamines, which increase glycemia and insulin resistance, which in turn leads to an increased risk of heart attacks.

This is indicated by an analysis of the University of West Florida , and directed by researchers Jennifer Sommers and Stephen Vodanovich.

Video Medicine: The Invisible Danger of Bunker Gear Tansfer (May 2024).