5 things you should know about orgasm

Everyone talks about the orgasms feminine, but still a mystery to many women. Thus, GetQoralHealth He undertook the task of investigating everything you did not know about the orgasms feminine Are you ready? Keep reading.

1. To increase the intensity of orgasms , sexologists recommend moaning and screaming during the act, as this increases the excitement . It is scientifically proven that silence blocks and avoid climaxing at its maximum potential.

Discover how a product is produced orgasm and what are its main elements.David Barrios He explains it in the following video:

2. The intensity of the orgasm increases if erogenous zones such as breasts and nipples are caressed. There is research that confirms that nipples are erogenous spots that can provoke a lot pleasure to women. It is further stated that the orgasm caused from the breasts, is the second most frequent type.

3. ¿Pleasure as you sleep? Clear. It is proven that a woman can reach the climax even when she sleeps, this is due to the dreams and the imaginative capacity of each woman. The brain It is the total responsibility.

4. Have a orgasm it helps you to lose weight you can burn from 120 calories , everything depends on its intensity. Therefore the saying that the sex lose weight. The curious fact is that if you pretend a orgasm you get to lose to 315 calories .

5. Many times we want to be men, but with this information you sure change your mind. It turns out that a woman can have orgasms until the last day of his life. Although after 50 are less intense, females are always able to feel pleasure .

The orgasms are a natural response that brings many benefits to the Health Women's. During the sex forget about prejudices and taboos, remember that the orgasm It is from who works it.

Video Medicine: 10 things you didn't know about orgasm | Mary Roach (May 2024).