10 benefits of TRX

Body weight is a great enemy for many, while for others it is the best tool to get fit, when it comes to TRX . In this discipline you work with your own weight, without making any effort, it is an innovative training suitable for high performance athletes, seniors and even for physical rehabilitation.

Ángel David Rodríguez, TRX trainer at Gold's Gym Venezuela , explained the origin of TRX : "It is a practice of military origin. It comes from training with the parachute tapes and the ropes used by the military when they went to battle. They had to find a way to train and they did it with suspended ropes. So they developed a more effective system. "

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In this type of functional and multidimensional physical training, one's own body weight and gravity are used to achieve flexibility, stability, strength and balance.

Unlike the work that is done with gym machines, with the TRX The whole body is used during the session, without having to isolate it at any time.

This exercise does not require a previous physical form, since there are sessions designed for all kinds of levels. It is also a good alternative for those who want to work only their muscle power, but also for those who want to combine strength with aerobic exercises such as running, swimming or skating.

The key to physical activity with TRX is the realization of the so-called functional exercises. Unlike other types of work, such as weight exercises, which focus on a specific area, the TRX exercises are characterized by a natural training, in which all the muscle groups involved in the performance of an exercise are exercised. movement to be able to do a job that helps to improve the body as a whole.


In this regard, Rodriguez explained: "This training is fully functional. You work the whole body. You do biceps, you also work the middle, back and legs. It is a complete practice, with which a balanced result can be achieved in terms of shaping the figure. "

Work with our body weight, as in training with TRX , allows us to increase our muscular strength and endurance and tone the whole body. If this is not enough, it is always possible to use wristbands or ankles with weight to increase the difficulty, according to each person.

TRX seems to have more benefits than contraindications. One of them is that, although it is specially designed to work muscle strength, it is much more complete than traditional weight lifting. In addition, thanks to the versatility of the strings, it can be done in any indoor or outdoor space with only having a place to place the anchor.


"All the disciplines can be combined with the TRX . If a soccer player, for example, uses suspension training, jumping more, running more, including strengthening the mid-zone, which is paramount in this training, "Ángel David explained.

That is why it is recommended for everyone, regardless of their age or physical condition. "The TRX it is used, even with people who have some type of injury, for rehabilitation, since you can control the force applied to the limb where you can have some type of injury, "said Rodriguez.


"I have particularly given classes to people aged 60 and over, and to children as young as 4 years old," he added.


10 benefits of TRX

Some of the main benefits of this suspension training modality are:

  1. Provide a good figure.
  2. Generates unmatched resistance
  3. Burn calories.
  4. Improves coordination, flexibility and mobility.
  5. Eliminates back pain.
  6. Works the abdominals, muscles of the chest, buttocks and lumbar.
  7. It helps to improve body posture.
  8. Work your entire body in a minimum space.
  9. Strengthens the heart
  10. It reduces the abdominal perimeter and prevents injuries.


Only one brand

It is important to clarify that this type of routine is not called "TRX" itself, since that is just the name of the brand that the creators of this exercise methodology patented.

This type of training is known as "Suspension Training" that is, suspension training, which in theory and in its simplest form consists of a routine with pulleys where the body will be in some instability, since The user's hands or feet are generally supported by a single anchor point, while the opposite end of the body is in contact with the ground.

As you are ropes can be used both outdoors and indoors, can be anchored in a tree, in a door, or wherever.

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Video Medicine: "Benefits of TRX Training" (April 2024).