1. Choose an illuminated space

One of the many benefits of meditating is that it helps you reduce your levels of stress , and you only need to do it for 25 minutes for three days in a row, according to a study of the Carnegie Mellon University .

So that the meditation be functional and simple, especially if you are a beginner, the ideal is that you are in a quiet place with few distractions, indicate the experts of Mayo Clinic .

Try that in the room from your house where you do it there is no television, videogames or other device of the style that distracts you, or disconnect them when medites . The first option is better for you.

There are other tips that will help you make your home the ideal space to meditate. Here are some of them.


1. Choose an illuminated space

If you have the opportunity to choose a bedroom to make it your space meditation , choose the one with a lot of natural light, this can improve your mood Instantly.


2. Place something that will inspire you

Be it an image of the nature , of your favorite artist or a famous painting. The important thing is that you hang something on the wall that inspires you and helps you concentrate during the meditation .


3. Make a space for nature

The plants and flowers are relaxing and healing, so it makes sense that you surround yourself with them while meditating. Choose the ones that you like most for your to Rome or look, and you can take care.


4. Adorn with useful items

For to meditate A yoga mat may be useful on the floor, but you can also opt for a Swiss ball. Place cushions that you can also use to lie down or improve the space.


5. Use music and aromas

A music quiet or mantras They can help you concentrate better while you meditate, especially if you live in a very noisy area. On the other hand, turn on essential oils Like lavender or chamomile they help to stimulate the immune system, relieve pain and reduce stress.

On the other hand, Joshua Smith , interior designer, indicates that you can beautify your meditation place by painting it with fresh and neutral colors, such as blue , green and light purple. You do not need much budget or a big space, give yourself the opportunity and start a change.