Yoga helps increase your flexibility

In the practice of yoga , the uttanasana (a position of stretching intense) helps to stretch the calves, muscles hamstrings, glutes and muscles of the spine . In addition to giving flexibility to the back of the body, the posture decreases the anxiety and the depression , tones the abdominal organs, and can even relieve menstrual cramps.

Based on information from Mexican Institute of Yoga , if you prepare your body with progressively intense stretching, such as Adho Mukha Svanasana (dog's posture face down), Ardha Uttanasana (half flexion with hands on the wall) and Uttanasana With your feet apart, you can prepare your body for Sirsasana (posture on the head).

In the next video, Ana Paula Domínguez , director of Mexican Institute of Yoga (IMY), it shows you how to get more flexibility of your body with the practice of yoga .

During the interview, held in the Qi Center of the Countess, Domínguez, pointed out that the flexibility It is very important for health because it gives us balance.

By stretching the muscles we are improving our agility, helps us to avoid damaging them during the routines ofexercise and preventspains Ystress s. In addition, we improve our circulation , when we relax and connect with our inside .

The head of the Mexican Institute of Yoga reminds you that if you have a problem with Health , consult your doctor first before doing exercise and you should always warm up yourmuscles before starting any routine.

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