1. Beer

The World Health Organization calculates that by 2030, the diabetes It will be the seventh cause of mortality in the world. This global "epidemic" can be to prevent when ending the sedentary lifestyle , following a diet balanced and by consuming certain drinks .

In order to prevent diabetes or cope with the disease, specialists recommend increasing the consumption these drinks .


1. Beer

Franz Martín Bermudo , Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology of the Pablo University from Olavide from Sevilla, Spain, explains that moderate consumption of beer helps prevent the emergence of diabetes .

Its nutrients, such as polyphenols modify the intestinal flora and improve immunity, preventing the development of Diabetes Mellitus 1. The recommendation is only to consume only one glass a day in women and two in men.


2. Coffee

A study of Harvard School of Health confirms that people who consumed a Cup more of coffee per day for four years they reduced 11% the risk of developing type 2 diabetes . Those who did not increased the 17% odds

It is believed that its content of magnesium influences sensitivity to insulin , which keep the blood glucose level in control. The American Diabetes Association Do not drink more than three cups of coffee a day and preferably not sweeten it.


3. Black tea without sugar

The American Diabetes Association explains that infusions without added sugar are recommended in the diet of people living with diabetes, since they are low in calories.

On the other hand, a study conducted by the Division of Epidemiology of the University of Minnesota , EU, confirms that drinking three to four cups a day of black tea (and not green) reduces the 30% of the risk of suffering Diabetes, thanks to its antioxidants and chlorogenic acid.


4. Vegetable juices

Vegetable juices such as tomato, cucumber, eggplant or other vegetables, are a healthy alternative because they contain few calories, explains the Spanish Society of Dietetics and Food Sciences .

To prepare tomato juice, you need a piece, two tablespoons of lemon juice and water. Blend and drink a glass a day.


5. Alfalfa water

The National Institutes of Health of the United States point out that the alfalfa is a plant that controls the levels of sugar in the blood for being a rich source of manganese and vitamin K.

To prepare the water, liquefy the alfalfa, previously disinfected, add a few drops of lemon and sweeten it with agave honey that is low in calories.

By controlling the consumption of drinks caloric, especially those added with sugar that promotes overweight, prevent the risk of diabetes. It is shown that for every kilo of weight you gain, the probability of developing diabetes increases 4.5%.

In addition, diabetes affects the function of the heart, according to the WHO, 50% of affected people lose their lives due to cardiovascular disease. It is best to prevent with feeding Y exercise .