3 keys to increase well-being

Increase productivity and the wellness between the workers is a challenge for many companies. In this task, the area of human Resources is key to creating the optimal conditions that guarantee a healthy environment .


Enrique Mesa Cabrera , founder of Space pit, full life and facilitator of Sukha Total , explains that the function of human Resources is to empower collaborators to contribute solutions and learn to find them in team or so individual . Is all wellness Y satisfaction staff, because they are going to feel recognized Y sovereigns in his function. "


3 keys to increase well-being

Mesa Cabrera suggests that the role of human resources should not focus on the prize Y punishment , but in to guarantee constantly three key elements .

1. Raise awareness Get employees to be conscious of dysfunctional behaviors around Health physical, performance and skills, including the consequences of working 16 hours, reactions emotional visceral, level of stress , as well as the fight of power .

2. Empower. Through tools that allow replace patterns of behavior , solve problems and incorporate new techniques of improvement of performance through the handling emotional , stress , breathing Y deceleration of brain waves to increase the performance .

3. Compensate. Ensure mechanisms of motivation that generate a ambient labor healthy ; sustain it with system compensations and work rules for the right performance .


Mutual cooperation

The bases for what human Resources fulfill your role and generate wellness among employees depend also from the cooperation of the collaborators , in three senses:

1. Passion. The pleasure of do Y to love what is done generates in the pituitary gland endorphins What are they cancellers of the pain . With this attitude the performance increases because there is also higher relaxation .

2. Respect. Start individually by not accepting that the tension labor lower the productivity . It is proven that Work more of six hours it means lose performance , after two hours lapses, therefore, during this time it is important to make a pause from 15 to 20 minutes to clear up . If there is practice, there is a guarantee that the performance will be total .

3. Collaboration. With colleagues it is about generating synergies . When work in team the result its alot higher and with less stress .


Enrique Mesa affirms that the best way to get wellness Y performance labor is to maintain passion in what make , which causes happiness and being happy I know it's more productive" .

Remember that the wellness labor does not fall within the area of ​​human resources, it depends on a mutual interaction ; at the end the responsibility it's only yours

Video Medicine: The Vagus Nerve : Key to Well Being : Deepak Chopra, MD (May 2024).