Improve your eating habits

Dinner is one of the key foods in a balanced food plan, so it is recommended to do it at a pre-established time. According to researchers from the Vanderbilt University eating snacks at night accelerates the accumulation of body fat.

The study published in the magazine Current Biology It emphasizes that the ingestion of these foods at different times of the night alters the biological clock and favors the development of diabetes, metabolic syndrome or obesity.

The intake of snacks or food during the day fills the body with energy to perform all activities, however, at night the body turns it into fat.

Carl Johnson, co-author of the study, It indicates that the ability to regulate blood glucose changes throughout the day, especially when there are alterations in the biological clock, which is responsible for the functions of our body such as sleep and assimilation of food.

By altering the circadian rhythm signs of insulin resistance develop, ie, the tissues do not respond to the signal to properly assimilate the sugar, so they convert it into fat.

The specialist assures that the interruption of the biological clock generates an alteration of the metabolism, reason why the risk of accumulating corporal fat increases, although the same quantity of calories is ingested. "It's not just what you eat, but when you do it," he says.


Improve your eating habits

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, nutritionist Carmen Haro presents some healthy eating habits to prevent overweight and obesity:

The specialist recommends that the last food of the day is very light and consumed two hours before going to sleep, so that your body digest it correctly and maintain a healthy weight. And you, do you eat a lot of snacks at night?

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Video Medicine: Healthy Eating - Portion Control (April 2024).