Visual capacity risk

Tobacco smoke is formed around 4 thousand compounds, most of which are toxic . When these toxins float in the air many of them irritate the conjunctiva, the delicate film that covers the white of the eye.

These toxic substances irritate your nerve endings, drying it and causing stinging and burning in your eyes. It has been confirmed that even non-smokers have had to face smoke at a party or a club. The eyes redden and dry quickly. With the feeling of sand and dry nose and throat with only a few minutes of exposure?

It's even worse if you wear contact lenses. The eye is very sensitive to the environment. Because smoking dries out eyes quickly, contact lenses become irritating and dangerous.

If they dry out, contact lenses can hurt the surface of the cornea, the transparent window in the front of the eye, increasing the risk of an eye infection. A bacterial infection related to contact lenses can cause microbial keratitis , a particularly unpleasant risk to the eyes.


Chronic irritation of the outside of the eye caused by smoking can cause long-term damage. Research conducted by experts show that smokers are 82% more likely to suffer from Dry Eye.  

Visual capacity risk

Smoking gradually reduces the blood supply in the eye caused by narrowing of blood vessels and thickening of blood. As the eye suffers from lack of vital oxygen, the risk for vision increases.

Two of the main causes of severe visual impairment and blindness are cataracts and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Although age is the main factor in both diseases, smokers develop both more severely than non-smokers.

Depriving oxygen of its eyes also creates other dangers. Smoking can damage your night vision , endangering your own safety and other people when driving at night.

Glaucoma, another degenerative eye disease, is usually caused by insufficient blood supply to the optic nerve. This disease can cost you most of your vision without realizing it.

Even if a smoker does not care about his own vision, he needs to think about the vision of his children.

The dangerous effects of smoking can be transmitted through the placenta to the baby. Children of smoking mothers are likely to develop squint. In many cases, the only solution is immediate surgery after birth, to avoid permanent damage to the eyes.

With this information, what do you expect to stop smoking? Avoid risks to your health and your family.


Video Medicine: Vision Problems and Social Security Disability Claims (April 2024).