Learn to ask for forgiveness and improve your life

We are beings in development and every day we face new and different situations, in which we are obliged to act, decide or respond. We do not have an instructive written in our genetic code to know how to react in the best way.

Some of us have devoted time and effort to reflect on who we want to be and how to behave with other people; what gives us a idea , a guide, a scale of values .

For some of us it is very clear that we do not want to hurt others with our words and our behaviors; however, we do so, either during a conversation, a meeting or at some time during a difficult day, caused by superficiality and stress .

The remorse and the awareness having done something inappropriate, it's huge. Therefore, the first thing we must do is to learn the lesson; reflect on the triggers that led us to speak without thinking or to perform certain action. But, the most important thing of the situation is to have enough humility to ask sorry .

The indispensable condition is to fully recognize the incident in its entirety. A brief but substantial speech should be prepared in which we say to the other: "I recognize that I said or did this that hurt you, it hurts me to have done it and I really regret it, I assume I was wrong and I charge with it".

The affected person, knowing that we are aware of the damage inflicted and that we feel sincere pain for it, will know how to forgive us and we will have grown in responsibility.

Do not let your pride It prevents you from saying sorry. The relations they are very complex and we all harm, unintentionally, those we love the most; However, in this way of humanizing ourselves and being better, there is the wonderful possibility of recognizing that we are wrong and that we can recognize it.


Think positive

The science has shown that positive thoughts strengthen the immune system and improve our quality of life, so we give you some practical tips to make you live happy.


  1. Avoid sharp ideas like all or nothing
  2. Do not generalize. Remember that each person is different
  3. Do not focus on the worst detail
  4. Do not minimize the good
  5. Avoid predictions
  6. Do not put labels

Leave behind the pessimism and start to see things from another point of view. You will love the results and you will feel more satisfied.

Video Medicine: How To Forgive (May 2024).