10 effects of smoking in passive smokers

The smoke who inhale pasive smokers contains up to three times more nicotine and tar that the one who aspires smoker , and about five times more carbon monoxide .

Passive smokers who are exposed to tobacco smoke for an hour, inhale an amount equivalent to two or three cigarettes

Therefore, in an interview with GetQoralHealth, Dr. Lilia Ramírez García, head of the Clinic of Help to Quit Smoking, Iztacala School of Higher Studies, UNAM, explains the characteristics of a person considered a passive smoker:

In this sense, the main conditions or consequences of the diseases can be divided in two ways: pasive smokers , associated with inhaling secondary smoke from cigarette, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States:


Physical consequences

1. Short term : Cough , dental problems (damage to gums, enamel and teeth), dizziness, headache and sore throat, and eye irritation.
2. Medium term : Harterial hypertension , arteriosclerosis , Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), pulmonary emphysema, asthma, heart attack, infertility and damages in the fetus (low weight, genetic diseases and sudden death).
3. Long term : Cancer (pulmonary, breast, throat, tongue, mouth, esophagus, stomach, among others).


Psycho-emotional consequences

4. Bad habits are acquired, even at an early age
5. Feelings of self-destruction or low self esteem by dependence and emotional lacks
6. Deterioration of the Cognitive ability
7. Problems of conduct In children
8. Isolation, even though tobacco is a social drug
9. Anxiety , associated with the addiction
10. Associated with cardiovascular problems , it may develop dementia in advanced ages

Therefore, in our country, since 2008, the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), of the Ministry of Health, banned smoke in closed public spaces, in order to protect the pasive smokers .

Video Medicine: The Dangers of Second-Hand Smoke (April 2024).