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Is it already midday and you feel a feeling of emptiness in your stomach? Many times this causes you to eat unhealthy foods, but if you choose a good combination such as granola and yogurt , you will get a healthy snack and you will find the satiety that your body seeks.

The ingredients of the big wave They are rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, so they help you to satisfy your appetite, keep your blood glucose stable and strengthen your immune system

For its part, the yogurt It protects and strengthens your immune system, making it more difficult for you to develop diseases such as asthma and cancer, according to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Even, in the investigation it is emphasized that the microorganisms of the yogurt They help you prevent gastrointestinal infections


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For all these benefits, Danone It offers a combination of yogurt and granola in a comfortable glass, so that you eliminate hunger or cravings in a healthy way, especially when you are away from home.

Nutritionists recommend consuming granola with yogurt at breakfast or as a midday snack.

With this you will get the energy you need to perform your activities and avoid bad mood, anxiety, lack of concentration and uncomfortable noises in the stomach, without gaining weight. Go ahead and try it!

Video Medicine: Fatwood: How to Find It Easily (April 2024).