Quinoa Hot Cakes

Are you looking for an original and nutritious touch for your desserts?

Know the properties of quinoa and decide to use it in your dishes.

Quinoa is one of the foods richest in lipids and proteins. Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and essential fatty acids, necessary and beneficial for our body.

According to the book Bio Kitchen : "Quinoa, the treasure of the Incas" Quinoa, unlike other cereals, does not contain gluten, a protein that causes intolerance in people with celiac disease.

 In GetQoralHealth we have a recipe for hot cakes with quinoa, low glycemic index for you to take care of your figure and you can satisfy the cravings of people with diabetes:


Quinoa Hot Cakes

(4 people)



1/2 cup cooked quinoa

1/2 cup of gluten-free wholemeal flour

1 cup of all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon baking powder

3/4 teaspoon of salt

1 1/2 cups whole milk (or soy if you prefer)

1/3 cup of plain yogurt

1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted and cooled

1 egg



1.- In a bowl, mix all the ingredients

2.- Heat a comal or pan and melt a little butter and make sure that the bottom of the pan has been evenly covered. Add one ladle at a time of the mixture, creating the size of the circle that I want.

3.- When bubbles appear at the top, turn them over and fry until the bottom is golden brown.

4.- Serve covered with butter, honey or fruits

A small dish of cooked quinoa has 75 calories, that is, the caloric equivalent of an apple.

In a plate of quinoa, we find more fiber than in a plate of brown rice, thus participating in the normalization of cholesterol, glucose and insulin, as well as providing satiety.

And you, Are you ready to include quinoa in your dishes?

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Video Medicine: RECETA FÁCIL - HOT CAKES CON QUINOA (April 2024).