This is how they act in the organism ...

In most cases, before the first cold symptoms we turn to the anti-flu to get relief; not understanding at all the effect that these can have on the body

Effects of anti-flu in your body ... Some are unexpected!

To begin with, we must be aware that these medications or antivirals do not cure the flu; although the discomforts diminish and shorten the duration of the illness by 1 or 2 days, this is described by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .


This is how they act in the organism ...


1. Analgesics and antipyretics

The ones that are used most frequently are the paracetamol, ibuprofen and diclofenac ; which calm the muscle pain, headache, fever and throat inflammation.


2. Antihistamine

Its effect is to block histamine (hormone that dilates blood vessels) and prevent excess mucus, congestion, tearing and sneezing s. However, this has a cost and is the drowsiness (produces sleep)


3. Decongestants

These act by decreasing blood flow in the respiratory tract, nose and throat; what relieves inflammation and mucosal production.


4. Side effects of anti-flu

Like other medicines, anti-flu drugs can cause adverse effects, some of them are:


  1. Sickness
  2. Threw up
  3. Dizziness
  4. Cough
  5. Diarrhea
  6. Headache

Although they are rare, you should go immediately to the doctor to avoid a significant problem to your health. Be careful not to be over-the-counter means you can take them without your advice doctor!


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