7 foods that go straight to your abdomen

We know that holiday periods are to relax and enjoy what we like most, but the extra "pounds" and the "tummy" can appear at any time. To begin to eliminate excess Abdominal fat , you need to moderate or eliminate some foods, which by their nature "go straight" to your abdomen.

The study HELENA , of the University of the Basque Country , Spain, confirms that regardless of the physical activity performed, an excessive percentage of fat leads to the growth of the abdomen and there are foods that promote it more than others.

1. Soft drinks They all contain up to 12 tablespoons of sugar per 600 ml, according to a study by the food research center The Power of the Consumer . You can choose the Light but not in excess, the gas is not good for the organism, nor for the assimilation of the protein .

2. Ice cream . Summer is a good time to eat ice cream; However, you should take into account that milk products contain 200 Y 250 calories per 100 grams, to this you have to add if it contains pieces of chocolate, peanut or cookie.

3. Beer . The caloric contribution of beer is very low: 200 ml represent 90 kcal, however, the converting enzyme ACE, used in its preparation, favors the accumulation of fat around the abdomen . On the other hand, the gas can ignite.

4. Fast food . Hamburgers, pizzas, fried chicken and kebaps, fall into this category. They are cooked with a lot of oil, they combine carbohydrates and processed food. If you're going to eat at a fast food place, you'd better opt for a menu that includes vegetables .

5. Mayonnaises. The amount of calories of commercial mayonnaise is 709 kcal. for every 100 grams. The energy contribution of 100 grams of mayonnaise is approximately 26% of the Recommended daily allowance of calories that a middle-aged adult of medium height needs to make a physical activity moderate

6. Fried and overflowing foods . They are all those foods that require plenty of oil to cook. Then, some of them are coated with flour or breadcrumbs. So, for a while avoid donuts, potato chips, croquettes, capeados or breaded.

7. Sausages. They contain a lot of grease and even in some cases they carry carbohydrates to increase the taste like, the starch in the turkey or chicken sausage. These contain 6 grams of fat per 100 grams of product.

The accumulation of fat in the abdomen is the most harmful to health since it increases the risk of suffering cardiovascular problems , Mellitus diabetes , arterial hypertension and hypercholesterolemia , in addition to emotional problems, says the study published in the Clinical Nutrition .

To begin to eliminate excess fat in the abdomen , refrain from consuming these foods, when you achieve your goal you will be able to include them in your diet sporadically.

Video Medicine: How to Flatten Your Belly in 10 Days (May 2024).