The perfect imperfect man

Much of their lives, women seek the ideal man, who was instilled in them since they are small, that meets all their expectations for a happy life; however, the occasions when the true toad becomes a prince are rare, and sometimes the choice seems to be based on what they do not want from a man.

In an interview with GetQoralHealth, Lía Soriano, sexologist and psychotherapist of the "Open Closet" , explains that this search for the ideal man is based on projects, which are all those ideas and concepts that have been learned from adults (parents in general) and that are taken as "absolute truths", including everything related to love and the Perfect Match .

While the mentality and activities of women have changed in recent years, clarifies the specialist, this myth of Prince Charming has actually changed very little, so that many of the expectations still remain in force, according to the type of emotional education what did you recieve.


The perfect imperfect man

Currently, women have gained greater economic, mobility and emotional independence, so they are looking for a type of partner that is willing to have an equitable investment within the relationship, that meets their expectations and that is clear about what is willing or not to offer.

Also, explains the specialist, women seek to get away from men who do not commit to the relationship , because it is very exhausting that kind of dynamics because they are both in different rhythms and emotional needs.

In general, there is no ideal man prototype, so in a certain way they have defined the type of partner who desire their side through the characteristics they would not accept in a man; that is, it should not be disrespectful, selfish, sexist, that does not depend on a woman or want a servant; that knows to listen and that demonstrates it, good companion, attentive and that like to share as much responsibilities, as the time to have fun.

It seems a challenge, however the sexologist details that this type of Relationship if possible; even, he clarifies, they are becoming more frequent, mainly among young people who have based their dynamics on a good communication and in a clear investment regarding their relationship.

Video Medicine: THE PERFECT/IMPERFECT HUSBAND EP 1 | Signs you found the perfect man/boyfriend | Dream Husband (April 2024).