Protect your heart with nuts

Any balance diet and healthy includes them as an indispensable food. Your wealth in nutrients , vitamins Y minerals actively help to prevent diseases, especially those related to the heart.

The nut is the only nut that contains a significant amount of Omega-3 fatty acids of plant origin.

Its inclusion in the diet allows to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol , the blood pressure elevated or glucose in the blood.

All this means that walnuts are suitable for people suffering from diabetes , while helping to reduce the factors of cardiovascular risk .

For people with problems of overweight or obesity , nuts are an excellent ally; Being rich in nutrients and good fats, they have a satiating effect and can help regulate weight if consumed moderately instead of foods rich in sugars or Saturated fats .

Either as appetizer or supplement of salads and pastas; as an ingredient in stews, fish or sauces, or as part of the dessert, this dried fruit it becomes an inexhaustible source of health. Its nutritional properties are widely recognized.

Salmon with grapefruit and nuts (for 4 people)


  1. 4 salmon fillets (about 180 grams)
  2. Olive oil.
  3. 80 grams of nuts.
  4. 1 green pepper and one red pepper
  5. 2 grapefruits (preferably pink and juicy)
  6. Pepper ground and powdered, salt and a little sugar.


The fillets or salmon rations are seasoned and salted with olive oil. They are grilled three or four minutes per side.

The peppers are cleaned, washed and cut into thin pieces. Grapefruits are peeled and filleted, picking up the juice they release.
Oil is heated in a pan; the pepper is fried, the grapefruit and nuts are added and these ingredients are skipped quickly.

Add the grapefruit juice and season with salt, pepper and a little sugar. It is served with salmon.