Discover how is your relationship

"While I live, and you work," is one of my favorite expressions when it comes to talking about equality in therelationship of couple . Nobody says that it is easy to be the virtuous part of the couple, much less the one responsible for the joy and optimism that always exists within the home. Few value the work of building happiness at home, so that without any concern, our couple is dedicated to earning their livelihood.

However, for some to live like this is no more than a situation that clearly places them in the minefield of arbitrariness or injustice. So you can discover if there is equality in your relationship partner , answer the following test:

1.- There is no deadline or date that is not met, so you decided to say goodbye to those kilos of which you complain so much from the first day you got married. The action plan is:

a) Tell your partner that you will look for a gym and that you would like him to accompany you.
b) Without regard, you impose the "state of stay at home": Diet for all and zero tolerance for complaints about food free of fat and / or sugar.
c) Because of your partner you have a belly, so if he wants to see you happy, he has to say goodbye to the weekend's appetizers.

2.- The word "rebajas" is not only your weakness, it is almost your second name, and you went back to doing your own, to lighten the guilt, what would you say to your partner?

a) After a thunderous kiss, you propose a plan so that the debt does not get out of control.
b) You ask him to save a little to cover the balance, after all, he just has to make a small sacrifice.
c) Nothing, you already know your weaknesses.

3.- Your partner fell and although it was not serious, it will be a couple of days at rest what do you do?

a) Make sure you have everything at hand and that you feel happy.
b) The full of cushions in the room and bed, in addition to buying what you need. And no way, your mother always told you: Life has to continue.
c) You say goodbye to the worries, against your will you ask for pizza and take advantage of those days to rest by your side.

4.- You want the word renovation to be the one that dictates the atmosphere in your home, so you think about making some changes that are summarized in three points, what would they be?

a) Monitor food, share more time with the family and put finances in order.
B) Prohibited to buy desserts, fix the house or a change of image.
c) Buy a new room, plan vacations with your family and go on a diet.

5.- They will have a special entrance of money, so your first thought is:
a) You have to agree with your partner on what you will do with that money.
b) You need some things ... well, "they need".
c) Just what you wanted! When do the sales begin?


Check your answers

Majority of A: Sure your partner knows the foot you limp, but that is not a problem for you because you also know their weaknesses. Something valuable in your relationship is that everyone thinks of both, everything is shared and the priority is that they are well.

Do not hesitate to share so much that you probably dislike, as those beautiful surprises that fall into their hands. My only advice is to keep in mind that there is no reason why they should be together to do it all this includes: parties, exercise and eating without calories. Otherwise, you flow like a fish in the water and your partner knows it's a good fortune to be by your side.

Majority of B: There is a word that if you apply it in your life it will make you have a wider vision and it is the consideration; nobody said that you should give up what you like, but it would be convenient that you take into account the effort that your partner makes so that both enjoy life together.

It is not that the tasks, obligations and responsibilities of the home should be divided at 50%, it is a question of each one thinking of the other and of everyone participating. The last recommendation: Outside of shopping, there are many activities that you can do together, and it is not going to that restaurant that you like so much.

Majority of C: Maybe when you play Monopoly or another board game, your partner is installed in a strange attitude of nervousness because, although you know the way of generosity and empathy, sometimes you do not have them present. Nothing better to take care of the bonds in a relationship than to make notice the affection in everything that is done, and this includes the graceful part of the life in common, as well as that which nobody likes to do.

Do you want to surprise him? Let him know that you will do things you would not have imagined before, extreme plans, such as exercising for and for you, letting him blame for matters that do not concern him, and why not, until important decisions are made together. "Know yourself, sculpt your character." If you want to know more information Visit: or write to

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