Sweet Dreams…

The lack of break is closely related to the increase in possibilities in developing problems related not only to the blood circulation a, but with learning and concentration.

In accordance with Javier Velázquez Moctezuma, director of the Sleep Disorders Clinic of the UAM, sleep It is a need of the human being, it is not a waste of time but an investment to health.


Sweet Dreams…

For Fabio García García, researcher at the University of Veracruz , the ideal is to let four hours pass after having done the exercise, to be able to sleep. This is because they exist physical activities that increase body temperature up to 41 and 43 degrees, which can alter the dream.

However, a study of National Sleep Foundation notes that people who perform some exercise sleep better and even rest better. That is why we offer you five exercises that can help you achieve it.

1. Wash windows or floors for 45 to 60 minutes.

2. Gardening, around 45 to 60 minutes.

3. Walk approximately 35 minutes.

4 . Jump rope, 15 minutes.

5.  Ride a bike, 15 minutes.

In addition to performing exercise , a good diet is essential to achieve a dream repairman. Try to carry out these tips and get improve your health through a "happy dream".