Run for them!

The people with intellectual disability They have the same rights to enjoy a better quality of life and to fully integrate themselves into society, points out the Mexican Confederation of Organizations in Favor of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities A.C. (WITH FAITH)

To make it, WITH FAITH works to train and integrate people with intellectual disability to work life, through stimulation to children from zero to five years, and workshops of 15 years and older on gardening, stewardship, bakery and sewing.

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Run for them!

To support this great work, CONFE invites you to participate in the third career "Walk with me. Run for you, walk with me. We all come in different ways. "

The careers of 3, 5 and 10 kilometers will take place on Sunday, May 18, at the Glorieta de Luis Barragán, in Santa Fe, at 07:00 hours, while the 2.6-kilometer recreational walk will take place at 09:30 .

The quota is available for four thousand participants. The registration deadline is Friday, May 16 through the Internet. The cost for the walk is 200 pesos, while for the race it is 250 pesos.

The funds raised will be used to support people with intellectual disability.

Join this altruistic work and allow everyone to be part of a single society. In your hands is the power to integrate everyone and form a prepared and happy community. And you, will you participate in the race?