Dehydration during labor

The effort that represents delivery , consumes large quantities of water contained in the mother's body. So doctors, family and midwives should take care of this aspect.


It is recommended that a woman in labor take at least one cup of Water hourly. If not enough baby could risk a dehydration and not having the necessary body fluid, which can trigger a longer and more difficult labor, in addition to exhaustion.


Some signs of dehydration:
- Dry lips.
- Hollow eyes.
- Little elastic skin.
- Mild fever (less than 38 ° C).
- Fast and deep breathing (more than 20 breaths per minute).
- Fast and weak pulse (more than 100 beats per minute).
- Rapid rhythm of the baby's heart (more than 160 beats per minute).


For some women, drinking a full cup of liquid is a sign of vomiting or discomfort during labor; in these cases it is advisable to offer small drinks after each contraction.

(Source: Hesperian Foundation, "Give good care during childbirth," Chapter 10, 2007)

Video Medicine: How to Prevent Dehydration in Pregnancy | Birth Boldly Tips and Tricks (April 2024).