10 eating habits that put you on weight

Often and based on the figures of various health and nutrition surveys, we hear comments regarding the high rates of overweight and obesity at early and adult ages, and the risks they entail; However, there are also positive factors when losing weight, which, we do not hear "so often".

According to an investigation of the Kent State University , in the United States, losing weight not only improves your appearance and self-esteem; it also improves your capacity for concentration and memory. Therefore in GetQoralHealth , we present you 10 habits that damage your health. Know them!

1. Eat fast. Scientists of the University of Athens , in Greece, indicate that eating fast reduces the segregation of intestinal hormones that produce the sensation of feeling "full", or satisfied, this reduction of hormones can lead to overeating and consequently to obesity. So eat slowly and enjoy every bite.

2. Servings A study published in Journal of Consumer Research , suggests that choosing small packages of snacks as seeds, can make us consume double, that if we choose a large package. Choose an adequate portion with your daily caloric requirement, and avoid excesses.

3. Television. An investigation published by the magazine Archives of Internal Medicine , shows that watching television more than 5 hours a day is a predisposing factor to overweight, since food is consumed unconsciously and there is a sedentary lifestyle. So reduce your time in front of the TV and get active.

4. Do not drink enough water. In a meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS) , it was confirmed that drinking two cups of water before eating helps lose weight and prevent obesity.

5. Do not take an exclusive time to eat. If while you eat you "take advantage" of the time to also work in front of the computer or have fun with a videogame, do not do it, because a study of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , reveals that this type of habits increase the appetite and predispose to overweight or obesity. Organize your day to do "one thing at a time".

6. Dressings vs. condiments . If you have already increased your vegetable intake by eating more salads, then avoid "wasting" your effort by adding creamy dressings. An investigation of the University of Pardue , suggests that consuming red cayenne pepper can help reduce appetite and burn more calories.

7. Eat "without conscience." We know that the daily rhythm of life is fast and barely gives us time to feed, however it takes very little time to stop reading the labels of the products you consume before, reading labels is an effective method to combat overweight and has shown results positive in studies of the Washington State University .

8. Restrictive diets. A famous diet that shook the film industry in Hollywood, is the diet "Dukan", which restricts the consumption of fats and carbohydrates; and instead a diet high in protein is suggested. This type of diet is discouraged by the Spanish Association of Dieticians and Nutritionists , since it is associated with an increase in mortality. Assist with your nutritionist to obtain a proper and balanced diet for you.

9. Confusion. We can consider that a food is healthy, only by rumor or uses and customs. About the endocrinologist Solomon Jakubowicz , indicates an example: his patient was proud to change bread and soft drinks for cereals, honey and energy drinks; however, these may be the "worst" carbohydrates, since they generate insulin resistance.

10. Emotions . When there is a problem of overweight or obesity, there may also be an emotional problem, associated with low self-esteem and insecurity, so why not start replacing the word: "lose", "win"? If you gain weight you lose health, but if you lose weight you gain health and avoid illnesses, it's all about attitude.

Much of your health is in your hands, avoid habits that damage it, exercise your curiosity and read labels, ask yourself What am I doing to take care of my health? , and remember that You can achieve everything you set out to do!

Video Medicine: Dr. Oz Discusses the Total 10 Rapid Weight-Loss Plan (April 2024).