Discover if your partner has an affair

"A fleeting or carnal betrayal hurts less than an emotional one." Is that true? According to the experts Maureen Luyens and Alfons Vansteenwegen an emotional affair can result in an extensive network of emotional responses, from shock and anger on the part of the affected member to denial on the part of the infidel; But how to know that the partner is a cheat in the game of love?

In a survey conducted by the The Huffington Post and YouGov, it was discovered that most men and women considered their emotional cheats partners if they committed infidelity; however, if this was the other way around, they did not believe crossing any line except doing harm.

The development of a deep connection with someone other than the couple can be as damaging to the relationship as physical deception, although less easy to detect. Thus GetQoralHealth shows you some signs that will allow you to discover if you or your partner are having a greater bond with someone else:

1. You no longer feel the trust, companionship and intimacy that you felt before with your partner. Now someone else inspires you.

2. You discuss hopes, dreams and fears with a third party.

3. Hidden things You might think that it has been transparent about your friendship with your partner. But be careful if you find yourself hiding conversations or feelings, this can betray an emotional deception.

4.  You discuss the private problems that should be maintained between the spouses, but instead you do it with a third party in the same way.

5. Leaving aside quality time with your partner to make time for the other person.

6. You are more aware of what happens to the other person than to your partner.

Observing if there is a change in the use of technology, social or cellular networks, can also help you to distinguish if there is an emotional affair.

Remember, all may be exposed to this situation, to avoid it is necessary communication and above all honesty between them. In your hands is the health of the relationship!

Video Medicine: 6 Signs Your Spouse Is Having An Affair (May 2024).