5 steps to run correctly

Although you do not believe it, when you run You must have an adequate technique to avoid injuries and make the most of the activity, especially if you are not an expert on the subject, but what are the steps to run correctly?

In accordance with Mike Antoniades, physical trainer , some people who they run They put a pressure on their bodies that can affect them over time, so it is necessary to identify the weak points to improve the technique.

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The specialist details that some of these weaknesses are bouncing too much, making too many strides, landing too much with the feet, not using the arms, bending forward the head and the upper body or jogging too slow that it is better to walk.

To avoid this bad technique, Mike Antoniades gives you the following steps to run better and reduce injuries in joints and in the rest of the body.

1. At the moment of running, your foot should strike the surface with the tip, with the fingers pointing forward and not down.

2. The heel does not touch the ground. Your footprint on landing should be light.

3. Bend the knee slightly when your foot makes contact with the surface.

4. Do the leg cycling, that is, the thigh move forward with the strength of the quadriceps and hip flexors

5. The hips and waist should be stable, without much movement from side to side. Keep your back straight and relaxed, never bend it at the waist.

In addition, your shoulders should be relaxed, your arms should be flexed at 90 degrees and your hands should keep them palm-facing. With this, you improve your position.

Remember that you must maintain proper hydration before, during and after run to prevent your body from getting dehydrated, so take a little water with you to drink it little by little. And you, do you run properly?

Video Medicine: How To Run Properly For Beginners - 5 Running Secrets (April 2024).