Exercise synonymous with healthy heart

Sports practice is the best tool to maintain a healthy heart . The Spanish Heart Foundation has designed a series of recommendations on the type of physical activity suitable for women, children and elderly, healthy and sick that is worth knowing.

To begin with, experts point out that the response to exercise in women it has different characteristics, with respect to man.

This is due to the peculiarities cardiovascular feminine as the size of heart , smaller than that of man, a lower development of the thoracic cage and a decrease in the amount of blood, among others.


Physical activities for women

For all women, and in particular for women pregnant , ideal physical-sports activities are those that have a large aerobic component where large muscle groups participate, such as swimming, riding a bicycle or playing golf.

The bike smoothly, effortlessly and smoothly, it is highly recommended, as well as the swimming and in general the movements in the water, because they harmonize all the muscular system .

It is preferable to exercise regularly, at least three times a week, while very intense activities should not exceed 15 minutes.


Movement for the little ones

The ravages that cause the obesity and the sedentary lifestyle In the kids. It is time to do a sport practice that, according to the specialists, is fundamentally aerobic, since it allows to increase the resistance, improve the muscular strength and the flexibility .

Up to eight years are ideal games and exercises of psychomotricity, coordination and balance, as well as exercises of the rhythmic sense and space, for example, jumping, walking, climbing or dancing.

From the ages of 8 to 12, exercises that contribute to overall growth and development are recommended, increasing daily activities and emphasizing the main physical qualities (strength, strength and flexibility).

This period is very good to learn the technique of different sports. Between 12 and 14 years, it is convenient to increase the training of each sport movement and start some kind of competition that maintains motivation through the game.

From the age of 14, the most specialized training should begin, by increasing the load and training volumes in general.


Exercise for older adults

Some people over 65 see their capacity diminished as their daily physical activity declines. However, much of this deterioration can be corrected with simple programs of exercise . The physical activity improves health, functional capacity, quality of life and independence.

The doctors of the Spanish Heart Foundation recommend aerobic activities of low or moderate intensity, for their lower requirement cardiovascular , and we must emphasize the work of stretching , mobility Y flexibility , against the resistance.

The most advisable are the march, in all its forms (walk, hiking), cycling in safe circuits or in stationary bicycle and, of course, the blessed swimming .  

Video Medicine: Do You Know The Warning Signs of Heart Disease? (April 2024).