Sunflower seeds to eliminate wrinkles

The sunflower seeds they are an ideal food to nourish and rejuvenate the skin, as well as part of a good treatment to eliminate wrinkles, due to its high content in Vitamin E , which is considered one of the antioxidants more powerful.

According to the Virginia Polytechnic University , the sunflower seeds can contribute up to 76% of Vitamin E , so it is one of the most complete foods.

The fatty acids of the sunflower seeds They contain various nutrients and minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc., which make it possible to develop various treatments to eliminate wrinkles, such as creams and lotions.

In this sense, for their fatty acids, consume regularly sunflower seeds decreases the risks of suffering cardiovascular problems. Another of its properties is its vitamin B1 content, which prevents problems in the nervous system, prevents fatigue and also strengthens memory.

You can take advantage of the properties of sunflower seeds in different ways, so they are ideal in your daily diet, and you can even combine them with other elements to make your own treatment to eliminate wrinkles and look younger and brighter.

You can combine the properties of the sunflower seeds, with another dry fruit, such as almonds, to make a cream that helps you eliminate wrinkles naturally, as it will add to your skin antioxidants and essential oils in great quantity, at the same time that it moisturizes and reduces the impurities of your skin.

Video Medicine: 3 Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Forehead Wrinkles & Lines (May 2024).