Sun, good for cardiovascular health?

In Mexico 30% of the population suffers from hypertension and annually there are around 70 thousand heart attacks. These figures can be reduced by improving our diet and physical activity, but did you know that the sun is good for your cardiovascular health?

The dermatologist Richard Weller, professor at the University of Edinburgh , explains in the following video how sunlight favors the production of Nitric oxide (NO), a chemical transmitter found in our skin, to lower blood pressure.

The professor assures that his research shows that the Nitric oxide (NO) is stored in large quantities in our skin, which is released by exposure to ultraviolet rays and becomes part of the bloodstream.

With this process, the chemical transmitter becomes useful to protect cardiovascular health, because it dilates blood vessels and coronary arteries, therefore lowers blood pressure and reduces angina, which is experienced as a pain in the chest when the heart does not get enough blood with oxygen.

Although the sun is beneficial for cardiovascular health you must take care of the time of exposure to ultraviolet rays, since the excess more than helping you can trigger other types of diseases such as skin cancer. And you, do you spend a few minutes to enjoy the sun?

Video Medicine: Richard Weller: Could the sun be good for your heart? (April 2024).